Sail towards your vision

Navigating the Journey: Vision and Goals as Complementary Guides

Nov 19, 2023

This past week, I found myself in two thought-provoking conversations that sparked some contemplation about the differences between having a vision for your life or business and setting and pursuing goals. Interestingly, two contrasting viewpoints from two different sources triggered this pondering and caused me to delve into the nuances of these concepts and their impact on success.

I am in the process of developing a program to support solo entrepreneurs in overcoming overwhelm and transitioning from struggle and stress to ease and flow so they can create success without burnout. In discussing the program with a colleague, she questioned the content of the first module that focuses on gaining clarity around values and vision. An exercise that involves creating a vision for her perfect life is not something that appeals to her. In fact, she seemed quite averse to the idea. Instead, her approach is to create and execute a specific plan. She agreed that goal setting would be the appropriate term for her approach.

Coincidentally, just a day later, I found myself in a conversation with a client who definitively declared, "goal setting doesn't work for me." He said what works for him is envisioning a future, getting clear on the nuances of the vision, and feeling passionately as if it has already happened. This client finds that by immersing himself in the detailed imagery of his future success, his subconscious intuitively guides him toward the necessary actions to make that vision a reality. He joked that his inner rebellious nature makes him resist the accountability of goal setting.

These divergent perspectives highlight a few critical questions: What is the difference between declaring a vision and setting then pursuing goals? Are they interchangeable, and why does each approach resonate differently with different individuals? This inquiry prompted me to explore the symbiotic relationship between envisioning our dreams and setting practical goals.

While it may seem a bit cliché, the analogy of a sailing excursion works perfectly to explore this comparison.

On our journey through life, and especially when focusing on our work/career/business, we often find ourselves at a choice point between envisioning the future and setting practical goals. Much like sailors charting a course across the vast expanse of the ocean, creating a vision serves as our compass, guiding us through the unpredictable waves. This vision is our North Star, illuminating the direction in which we wish to sail and defining the purpose of our voyage.

Consider the vision as the panoramic view from the ship's deck—a breathtaking island on the horizon that encapsulates our dreams and aspirations. This island represents the culmination of our values, passions, and the impact we want to make. For instance, if the island symbolizes a career in education, the vision would encompass a commitment to fostering learning, a passion for knowledge, and a desire to empower others. This overarching vision becomes the driving force that propels us forward, even when the seas become turbulent.

Now, let's introduce goals as the individual sails of our life's vessel. These sails, when strategically set, catch the winds of motivation, propelling us toward the envisioned island. Each goal is a practical and measurable step, transforming the abstract vision into a tangible, achievable course of action. Sticking with the education analogy, goals could include obtaining a teaching certification, developing innovative teaching methods, or launching a community outreach program. Just as sails provide structure and direction to a sailing vessel, goals give shape and purpose to our journey.

The symbiotic relationship between vision and goals becomes evident when we realize that goals are the means to reach the envisioned destination. Without a clear vision, our sails may flutter without purpose, leaving us adrift in the vast sea of possibilities. Conversely, without specific goals, our vision may remain a distant mirage, lacking the practical steps needed to bring it to fruition. It's the delicate dance between the two that ensures our journey is not an aimless meandering but a purposeful navigation toward a fulfilling life.

The conclusion of this contemplation is that the the synergy between creating a vision and setting goals is crucial for navigating the complex waters of life and business. The vision provides the why—the overarching purpose that fuels our journey—while goals offer the how—the actionable steps that propel us forward. Together, they create a dynamic framework, much like a compass and sails, ensuring that our life's voyage is not only guided but propelled toward the islands of our dreams.