Flow & Grow

Mental Fitness Training & Coaching

Flow & Grow

Mental Fitness 
Training & Coaching

If you or your team...

> Feel overwhelmed, stressed, or on the verge of burnout

> Struggle to recover from setbacks

> Wish you had more confidence

> Second guess decisions

> Need to maintain better habits

> Deal with procrastination, perfectionism, or restlessness

> Compare yourself or struggle with imposter syndrome

> Long for a clearer direction or vision for your life/work

> Seek more harmony in work or personal relationships

> Often feel annoyed, fearful, impatient, or frustrated

> Want to have greater positive influence and impact

Mental Fitness Training Can Help!

Science-backed Simplicity

Breakthrough research by Positive Intelligence® discovered the core factors that impact both performance and wellbeing, revealing that there are only 10 negative response factors (Saboteurs) and only 5 positive response factors (Sage Powers).

How We Self-Sabotage

Saboteurs are the voices in your head that generate negative emotions. They represent automated patterns in your mind for how to think, feel, and respond to life's challenges. They cause all of your stress, anxiety, self-doubt, frustration, restlessness, and unhappiness. They sabotage your performance, wellbeing, and relationships.

Learn Your Saboteurs

Retrain Your Brain

with PQ Mental Fitness

Focus on Habit Formation

Treat Root Cause, not Symptoms

Build all 3 Core Mental "Muscles"

Simple Tools and Techniques

The brain is rewired at the root cause level, building neural pathways that form lasting new habits. Results were visible in MRI imaging within 8 weeks of practice.

Proven Results

Boost Performance

Use mental/emotional energy more efficiently
Improve ability to develop others
Better at team work and collaboration

Improve Wellbeing

Increase Happiness
Manage Stress Better
Improve Self-Confidence

Strengthen Relationships

Improve Relationships
Better at Conflict Management
Improve Empathy

Jodi's Mental Fitness Story

After completing the PQ Mental Fitness Foundation Training from Positive Intelligence® for my own personal growth, I knew I had to share it with others. I had read many self-development books and taken trainings, was already a Certified Professional Coach and had been through therapy. Nothing compared to the powerful impact of the PQ Mental Fitness Training. It was truly life-changing and has had a deeply positive on my peace, performance, and relationships, especially the one I have with myself.
I went through the training and and became a Certified Positive Intelligence® Mental Fitness (PQ) Trainer and Coach. I am passionate about how this training empowers people to take command of their thoughts, feelings and actions, and to change how they view themselves, others, their life, and the world!
I believe PQ Mental Fitness Training has the potential to profoundly change the world!

A Transformative Experience

"Your PQ Mental Fitness Program has been transformative for me! After decades of personal and professional development experiences, I can confidently say that you bringing PQ into my life has most fundamentally changed my daily life. I feel more self-command, more ease, more lightness. It’s like getting a black belt in surfing through life. Thank you, Jodi! I hope so many others join this program and let you and the brilliant gamified app guide them through transformation!"
Gina Airey, CEO/Founder of Gina Airey Consulting
See More Client Statements

The Mental Fitness Group Training Program

Daily Practice

Weekly Focus

Measurable Progress

Community Support

Private Coaching

What's Included:

  • Positive Intelligence® 6-week Program [value=$995]
    • 7 weekly 1-hour video lessons + daily app-guided practice (15 min/day)
    • 2 Positive Intelligence® Assessments
    • Positive Intelligence® audio book
    • 1 year access to app
  • 8 weekly 1-hour Facilitated small Group Sessions [value=$600]
  • 1 Private Assessments Review & Strategy Session (90 min) [value=$390]
  • One 1-hour Private Integration Coaching Session [value=$150]
  • Community and Coach Support and Accountability
  • BONUS - 1 month membership to ongoing integration support group (upgraded app content + 2 support sessions) [value=$74]
  • BONUS - 25% off additional Private Coaching during program + 3 months after completion

100% Money Back Guarantee if No Results!*

*with full completion of the program based on app activity

 Total Value = $2,209

Standard Price = $995

Ask about current specials, payment plans and scholarships for non-profits, entrepreneurs, teams, students, teachers, healthcare workers, hardship & more.

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The science-based Mental Fitness Score and Saboteur Assessments developed by Positive Intelligence® reveal your mental fitness level and the thought patterns that get in the way of your peace, happiness and success.
Take the Free Asssessments